
How-to: Base Helm Chart

Base Helm Chart Table of contents Info Usage Example #1 Info TBD Usage Example #1 Example of file values.yaml for your helm chart. Chart.yaml #Chart.yaml apiVersion: v2 name: my-frontend type: application description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes version: 0.2.0 dependencies: - name: base-helm-chart …

Tool: Chart Releaser

# Source More: https://github.com/helm/chart-releaser # About Chart Releaser Helps Turn GitHub Repositories into Helm Chart Repositories cr is a tool designed to help GitHub repos self-host their own chart repos by adding Helm chart artifacts to GitHub Releases named for the chart version and then …

Tool: Pluto

# About Pluto is a utility to help users find deprecated Kubernetes apiVersions in their code repositories and their helm releases. More: https://github.com/FairwindsOps/pluto # QuickStart meta: name: description content: “Fairwinds Pluto | Quickstart Documentation” QuickStart First, …