
Tool: ArchiveBox

# Source More: # About ArchiveBoxOpen-source self-hosted web archiving. ▶️ Quickstart | Demo | GitHub | Documentation | Info & Motivation | Community ArchiveBox is a powerful, self-hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, and view websites …

Tool: Kubecui

kubecui kubeui makes kubectl more user friendly. This is still kubectl but enhanced with fzf. I believe, anybody who is new to kubernetes, must use kubectl. Because kubectl is the basics. However, kubectl slows you down - requires heavy keyboard typing. In order to alleviate interaction with …

Tool: Chart Releaser

# Source More: # About Chart Releaser Helps Turn GitHub Repositories into Helm Chart Repositories cr is a tool designed to help GitHub repos self-host their own chart repos by adding Helm chart artifacts to GitHub Releases named for the chart version and then …