Proxmox CLI - pvefs

| May 3, 2024 min read

Proxmox VE pvefs Commands

The pvefs command-line tool in Proxmox VE is used to manage the Proxmox VE filesystem (pvefs). Here’s a summary of common pvefs commands:

List Files and Directories:

  • pvefs ls [<path>]: Lists the contents of the specified directory or the current directory if no path is given.

  • pvefs tree [<path>]: Displays a tree-like structure of the specified directory or the current directory if no path is given.

Create Directories:

  • pvefs mkdir <path>: Creates a directory at the specified path.

Remove Files and Directories:

  • pvefs rm <path>: Removes the specified file or directory.

  • pvefs rmdir <path>: Removes the specified empty directory.

  • pvefs rf <path>: Use with caution! Recursively removes the specified directory and all its contents.

Copy Files:

  • pvefs cp <source_path> <destination_path>: Copies the specified file to the destination path.

Move Files:

  • pvefs mv <source_path> <destination_path>: Moves the specified file to the destination path.

Create Symbolic Links:

  • pvefs ln -s <source_path> <link_path>: Creates a symbolic link at <link_path> pointing to <source_path>.

Change File Permissions:

  • pvefs chmod <permissions> <path>: Modifies the file permissions of the specified file or directory. Use octal notation for permissions (e.g., 755).

Change File Ownership:

  • pvefs chown <user>:<group> <path>: Changes the ownership of the specified file or directory to the given user and group.

Additional Options:

  • pvefs help: Displays help information for pvefs commands.
  • man pvefs: Provides the man page for the pvefs command with detailed explanations and examples.


  • pvefs operates on the Proxmox VE filesystem, which is used to store VM and container configurations, backups, and other data.
  • Use pvefs with caution, especially when modifying permissions or ownership, as it can affect system operations.

For comprehensive details and advanced usage, refer to the Proxmox VE documentation: [премахнат e невалиден URL адрес]