Proxmox CLI - pveam

| May 3, 2024 min read

Proxmox VE pveam Commands

The pveam command-line tool in Proxmox VE is used to manage container and appliance templates. Here’s a summary of common pveam commands:

List Templates:

  • pveam list [--section <section>]: Lists all available templates. Optionally, filter by section (e.g., mail, system, turnkeylinux).

Download Templates:

  • pveam download <storage> <template>: Downloads a template to the specified storage location. Replace <storage> with the storage ID and <template> with the template name.

Update Template Database:

  • pveam update: Updates the container template database from the official Proxmox repositories.

Remove Templates:

  • pveam remove <template_path>: Removes a template from the local storage. Replace <template_path> with the full path to the template file.

Additional Options:

  • pveam help [--extra-args <array>] [--verbose <boolean>]: Provides help information for pveam commands.
    • --extra-args: Specify a command to get help for.
    • --verbose: Display more detailed output.


  • Templates are typically stored in /var/lib/vz/template on the Proxmox VE host.
  • Use the pct create command along with the downloaded template name to create a container from the template.

For comprehensive details and advanced usage, refer to the Proxmox VE documentation: